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The best thing about each game of Life Is Strange is that the conversations significantly influence the plot or the development of the character. DECIDE THE STORY THROUGH OPTIONS OR DIALOGUE On top of that, every event, moment, and element changes everything, causing the entire world in the game to change based on every decision the player makes. Everything is seamless, depth, and many impressive and realistic emotions are perfectly interwoven, making its value greatly enhanced compared to gameplay. IN-DEPTH STORY AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTīefore the Storm is a new story in Chloe’s life, and it now introduces many unique plots or character developments. The best thing about the game is changing the past or reality through complex choices from the main character.

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However, many new mechanics and functions are added to the gameplay, and even the dialogues are realistic and emotional to make the player more immersive. Rewinding time does have its charms, but Max quickly learns playing with time can have disastrous consequences.Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new entry in the famous Life is Strange series, and this time players will accompany Chloe on a whole new adventure. All choices made by the player have an effect on the ending of the game. The player has the option to rewind time and redo any choice, given that no checkpoint was made in between. Max and Chloe decide to investigate her disappearance. Unfortunately, Rachel disappeared in those five years on a mysterious way.

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Chloe then became friends with Rachel Amber who helped her with grieving.

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Upon returning back, she learns that the father of her best friend Chloe Price died in the year she left. The player controls Max (Maxine Caulfield), who returns to her hometown Arcadia Bay after being away for five years. Life Is Strange is an episodic graphic adventure series.

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