Libra scale sketch
Libra scale sketch

libra scale sketch

Starting with a full-scale (1:1) drawing: Insert the page border and title block,.Select the paper size for the print and adjust the drawing scale to suit,.

libra scale sketch

Starts with a drawing drawn full scale (1:1),.To print a drawing with a drawing border / title block template, but to a specific scale requires several steps: Printing to Scale with a Border and Title Block Click and hold anywhere in the drawing space and drag the paper to the desired position. ) The drawing can be re-positioned on the page by moving the page behind the drawing.) Click the ‘Center to Page’ icon from the toolbar.) Select the desired scaled from the drop-down box on the toolbar.This establish the largest scale the can be used for the paper size defined in step 2 above. ) Click the ‘Fit to Page’ button on the tool bar.To print a drawing without a drawing border / title block template but to a specific scale requires a couple of additional steps. Adjust the properties if necessary and then click ‘OK’. ) Select the printer on the Print dialogue and confirm the properties by clicking the ‘Properties’ button.) Select File -> Print or click the ‘Print’ icon.This ensure the drawing is scaled to fit and centered on the page. ) Click the ‘Fit to Page’ button on the toolbar.) The page is represented by the shadowed rectangle in the print preview.) Select Options -> Current Drawing Preferences.) Set or confirm the paper layout for the current drawing:.) Select File -> Print Preview or click the ‘Print Preview’ icon.To print a drawing without a drawing border / title block template or a specific scale is relatively quick and easy. These steps for printing assume the drawing to be printed was drawn full-scale (1:1)

Libra scale sketch